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Dapper crows walk with canes. I'm a dapper crow. I sell things. You buy them. I buy new canes. I make movies. I make music. I make art. I relax in a rather large nest. Repeat.

Featured Film

“Up All Night! with Crow Cane”

This, my fine feathered friends, is exactly where our story begins...


Skip the line and jump into a fresh pile of Crow Cane Shorts.


Crow Cane is more than a man in a poorly made crow mask.

Crow Cane is a state of mind and the universe of characters who inhabit that mind. At least one of them is rumored to bite.

You Absolutely Need This Right Now

You Absolutely Need This Right Now

This is the best t-shirt you will own. Mainly because of the logo, but also because it is so comfortable. Some wearers have reported falling asleep in strange places as a result.


Coming Soon

From Crow Cane Laboratories and Catering comes the next natural evolution in canned carbonated beverages. Gazpacho! Be sure to subscribe to our newsletter below to be the first to crack a frosty can.

An unhappy toddler wearing a toddler size Crow Cane shirt

Toddlers hate Crow Cane

Don’t you know Crow Cane is for adults? Wait, we didn’t mention that?!?

FYI Crow Cane is the worst babysitter. We know you can, and should, do better!